How to use and care for the Custom Pottery Stamp

How to use and care for the Custom Pottery Stamp

Some specific features of using Custom Pottery Stamps.

If you are a beginner, you should know that clay decoration requires some practice. You need to figure out which stamp would be the best for your needs, how much pressure to apply to the clay piece, what else you will need in the process, and what useful techniques exist.

If you're thinking about a design for your first stamp, we recommend a simpler design that will be easier to use. For beginners, it's better to go with a size no bigger than 1/2 inch.
If you have a lot of small details, tiny letters, or symbols, it will take more skill and experience to use them. Please always practice on a few scraps of clay before marking your best work.

How to use and care for the Custom Pottery Stamp

Try using a release agent to avoid problems with the clay sticking onto the stamp. I recommend using vegetable oil or WD-40. Spray it on the surface of the stamp before starting. Usually, it helps to solve the problem.

You may have to re-coat the stamp each time after several markings.

If you are working with water-based clay, let it dry a little before you start decorating.
Some potters advise using a cooling element. This will also help prevent the clay from sticking. Just place the stamp on the cooling element before using the stamp.

The easiest way to mark your pottery is to mark the flat base of the clay pieces. To do this, simply press directly onto the surface, jiggling slightly to get the result.

If you want to mark the rounded surface of a clay pot you will need more experience. Lightly press down on the surface, rolling the stamp from left to right along the curve of the pot. We recommend using this technique with stamps that are not too large (Up to 2/3 inch). Be sure to hold the clay from the inside when stamping. It is important to avoid damaging the raw clay when pressing hard.

Some skilled potters use the Medallion method. The main advantage of this method is that you can stamp big designs. Cut a flat medallion from a piece of clay. Make a clear, deep impression by pressing evenly on the stamp.
Then fix the clay medallion to the clay pot.

How to use and care for the Custom Pottery Stamp

Tips for taking care of a Custom Pottery Stamp:

  • Always use a release agent (vegetable oil, WD-40 spray) and a cooling element to prevent the clay from sticking to the stamp.
  • If the clay sticks, wash your stainless steel stamp with cold water and a medium-hard brush. If you have a brass pottery stamp, be sure to remove the brass part from its holder before washing. Put the stamp on the holder by screwing it onto the thread only after it is completely dry. You can use a needle tool to remove clay from hard-to-reach parts of the stamp. But be careful not to damage the engraving.
  • Put the stamp on its holder by screwing it onto the threads only after it is completely dry.
  • Store the stamp in a case or box.
  • Do not wash the stamp in the dishwasher.
  • Do not soak the stamp in water.
  • Do not drop the stamp. The engraving can be damaged.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about stamp production or special requests:

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